Our Surveillance Investigation Service is a discreet and strategic solution designed to gather comprehensive and accurate information for your specific needs. Whether you're dealing with suspected infidelity, employee misconduct, or other sensitive situations, our team of skilled investigators employs state-of-the-art technology and expert techniques to conduct thorough surveillance and OSINT.

At Raven, we offer a comprehensive Surveillance Investigation Service designed to meet your specific needs with discretion and precision.


We, as private investigators, are skilled in covert surveillance techniques, allowing us to discreetly monitor the activities of the suspected cheating spouse. We can observe their movements, interactions, and behavior to gather evidence of infidelity.

  1. Gathering Evidence: Through surveillance, we can collect photographic or video evidence of the cheating spouse engaging in suspicious behavior, such as meeting with another person romantically, spending time in undisclosed locations, or engaging in activities inconsistent with their stated commitments.

  2. Background Checks: We can conduct background checks on individuals suspected of being involved with the cheating spouse. This may include verifying their identities, checking their criminal records, and uncovering any relevant history that could shed light on the situation.

  3. Legal Documentation: We can provide documentation and reports of our findings, which may be used as evidence in divorce proceedings or other legal matters related to the infidelity. This can include detailed surveillance logs, photographic evidence, and witness statements. Our evidence is always legally obtained.

  4. Support and Guidance: Beyond gathering evidence, we can offer emotional support and guidance to individuals dealing with the emotional turmoil of suspected infidelity. We can provide objective advice, help clients understand their options, and assist in developing strategies for addressing the situation effectively. We have seen many situations and are happy to give our opinion on your situation.

It's important to note that while we can provide valuable assistance in uncovering infidelity, it's essential to work with a licensed and reputable agency who operates within the bounds of the law.


Verification of Identities: Private investigators have access to various databases and tools that enable us to conduct thorough background checks and verify the identities of individuals involved in the catfishing scheme. We can cross-reference information provided by the victim with official records to determine whether the person they've been communicating with is who they claim to be.

  1. Tracing Online Activity: Private investigators are skilled at tracing online activity and uncovering the digital footprint of the catfisher. We can track IP addresses, email addresses, social media profiles, and other online accounts associated with the scammer, providing valuable evidence to aid in identifying the person.

  2. Gathering Evidence: We can gather evidence, such as chat logs, emails, photos, and other communications exchanged between the victim and the catfisher. This evidence can help build a case against the perpetrator and support legal action if necessary.

  3. Assisting Law Enforcement: Private investigators can work closely with law enforcement agencies to provide them with the information and evidence needed to investigate and prosecute catfishing cases, especially in cases where finances are involved. We can also offer expertise and guidance throughout the investigative process, helping to ensure that all relevant avenues are explored.

  4. Providing Support and Guidance: In addition to our investigative work, we can offer emotional support and guidance to victims of catfishing scams. We understand the psychological impact of being deceived and can help victims navigate the aftermath of the scam, including taking steps to protect themselves from future incidents.

Contact Us

If you're in need of discreet and strategic services, look no further than Raven. Our experienced team of investigators is here to assist you every step of the way. We operate across North America, with our headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario. With capabilities extending throughout North America, including major cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax, and beyond in Canada, as well as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Miami in the United States, we're well-equipped to handle your needs wherever you may be.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your needs, and let us help you uncover the truth.